Channel: Two minipage with horizontal lines and a vertical line - TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange
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Answer by egreg for Two minipage with horizontal lines and a vertical line


I'd go with a simple tabular.

\documentclass{article}\usepackage[dvipsnames]{xcolor}\usepackage{amsmath}\usepackage{array,hhline}\NewDocumentEnvironment{explanation}{O{0.3}m} {%  \par\addvspace{\topsep}\noindent  \begin{tabular}{    p{\dimeval{#1\columnwidth-2\tabcolsep-\arrayrulewidth/2}}    |    p{\dimeval{\columnwidth-#1\columnwidth-2\tabcolsep-\arrayrulewidth/2}}  }  \hline  \raggedleft\textcolor{Turquoise}{#2} &}{%  \tabularnewline  \hhline{~|-}  \end{tabular}\par  \addvspace{\topsep}}\begin{document}\begin{explanation}{Test Procedure for a Single Mean (Variance Known)}Some text before the display\[z=\frac{a}{b} \text{ or } z=\frac{x}{y}\]some text follows some text follows some text followssome text follows some text follows some text followssome text follows some text follows some text followssome text follows some text follows some text follows\end{explanation}\begin{explanation}[0.25]{Test Procedure for a Single Mean (Variance Known)}\noindent\[z=\frac{a}{b} \text{ or } z=\frac{x}{y}\]some text follows some text follows some text followssome text follows some text follows some text followssome text follows some text follows some text followssome text follows some text follows some text follows\end{explanation}\end{document}

enter image description here

Note \noindent\[ if you really want to start a paragraph with a math display.

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